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Search Operator and or Search Type Book Title Author or Illustrator Name ISBN Book Series Title Book Subject All Fields Publisher Search Term Add Search Term Submit Reset Title Details Grade Levels PK-K 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-12 Genres Adventure Beginning / Early Reader Biography Concept Book Alphabet Color Number Season Shape Drama Fairy Tales / Folklore Graphic Novel Historical Fiction Holiday Horror Humor Mystery Nonfiction Picture Book Poetry Realistic Fiction Romance Science Fiction / Fantasy Sports Curricular Areas Art English Language Arts French Health History Math Music Physical Education Science Social Studies Spanish STEAM Cultural Experiences Any Cultural Experience African (Global) African African American American Indian Asian (Global) Asian Asian American South Asian Disability Gender Women / Girls Transgender / Non-Conforming Men / Boys Immigrant / Refugee Jewish Latino/a/e/x (Global) Latino (US / Canada) Latino (Latin America) LGBTQ+ Middle Eastern Multiracial / Mixed Race Muslim Pacific Islander / Oceania Awards & Distinctions Choose Award Any Award ALAN Award, 1976-2023Alex Awards, 1998-2025ALSC Notable Children's Books, 1995-2025Américas Award, 1993-2024Amelia Elizabeth Walden Award, 2009-2024American Indian Youth Literature Award, 2006-2024American Indians in Children's Literature (AICL): Lists of Best Books, 2010-2024Amy Mathers Teen Book Award, 2015-2024Andre Norton Award for Young Adult Science Fiction and Fantasy, 2005-2024Anna Dewdney Read Together Award, 2017-2025Arab American Book Award, 2007-2024Arlene Barlin Award for Science Fiction and Fantasy, 2022-2024Asian/Pacific American Award for Literature, 2001-2025Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award, 2003-2024Australian Children’s Laureate, 2012-2025Award for Excellence in Poetry for Children, 1977-2025BCALA Children and Youth Literary Awards, 2021-2025Best Fiction for Young Adults, 2011-2025Best Graphic Novels for Children Reading List, 2021-2024Best Spanish Language Picture Book Award, 2020-2024Best STEM Books, 2017-2025Bisexual Book Award, 2012-2021Book of the Year for Children Award, 1976-2016Boston Globe-Horn Book Awards, 1967-2024Bram Stoker Awards, Young Adult and Middle Grade, 2011-2024Burt Award for First Nations, Inuit and Métis Young Adult Literature, 2013-2020CALA Annual Best Book Award, 2008-2024Carle Honors, Artist, 2006-2025Carter G. Woodson Book Award, 1974-2024CCBC ChoicesCenter for the Study of Multicultural Children's Literature Best Books, 2013-2024Charlotte Huck Award, 2015-2025Charlotte Zolotow Award, 1998-2025Children’s Book Council of Australia Book of the Year Awards, 2007-2024Children’s Favorites Award, 2015-2024Children’s Literature Legacy Award, 1954-2025Children's Africana Book Awards, 1992-2024Christopher Award for Young People, 2001-2024Claudia Lewis Award for Poetry, 1998-2025Cook Prize, 2012-2025Coretta Scott King Book Awards, 1970-2025David Booth Children’s and Youth Poetry Award, 2022 - 2024Dolly Gray Children's Literature Award, 2000-2024E.B. White Read-Aloud Award, 2012 - 2019Edgars Award, 1961-2025Effie Lee Morris Lecture Series, 1998-2024Eisner Awards, 2011-2024El día de los niños / El día de los libros, 2013-2025Ezra Jack Keats Award, 1986-2025Flora Stieglitz Straus Award for Nonfiction, 1993-2025Freeman Book Awards, 2016-2024From Sea to Sea to Sea: Celebrating Indigenous Picture Books, 2018-2023Geoffrey Bilson Award, 1988-2024Giverny Book Award, 1998-2024Golden Kite Awards, 1974-2025Governor General's Awards for Young People’s Literature, 2000-2024Great Graphic Novels for Teens, 2007-2025Green Earth Book Award, 2005-2024Gryphon Award, 2004-2021Horace Mann Upstanders Children's Book Award, 2008-2025Horn Book Fanfare, 2001-2024I’m Your Neighbor Book Awards, 2022-2023In the Margins Book Awards, 2014-2025Indies Choice Book Awards, 2009-2019International Latino Book Awards, 2000-2024Irma Simonton Black and James H. Black Award, 2005-2025Jane Addams Children's Book Awards, 1953-2025Jean Little First-Novel Award, 2022-2024Jeremiah Ludington Memorial Award, 1980-2024Jhalak Children’s & YA Prize, 2021-2024Joan Betty Stuchner Award, 2017-2023John Newbery Medal, 1922-2025John Spray Mystery Award, 2011-2020Junior Library Guild Selections, 2012-2025Kids’ Book Choice Awards, 2008-2022Kirkus Prize for Young Readers' Literature, 2014-2024Lambda Literary Award, 1992-2024Lane Anderson Award, 2011-2025Lasting Connections, 2000 - 2020Lee Bennett Hopkins Award, 1993-2024Libby Book Awards, 2024-2025Librarian Favorites Award, 2023-2024Margaret A. Edwards Award, 1988-2025 (Authors)Margaret A. Edwards Award, 1988-2025 (Titles)Margaret Wise Brown Prize in Children's Literature, 2016-2024Marilyn Baillie Picture Book Award, 2006-2024Marion Vannett Ridgway Award, 2000-2023Mathical Book Prize, 2015-2025Michael L. Printz Award, 2000-2025Middle East Book Award, 2000-2023Mildred L. Batchelder Award, 1997-2025Monica Hughes Award, 2012-2016Mythopoeic Fantasy Award, 1971-2024National Jewish Book Awards, 1952-2024National Ambassador for Young People's Literature, 2009-2025National Book Award for Young People's Literature, 1996-2024Next Generation Indie Book Awards, 2008-2024Norma Fleck Award, 1999-2023Norman A. Sugarman Children’s Biography Award, 1998-2024Notable Books for a Global Society, 1996-2025Notable Children’s Books in the Language Arts Award, 1997-2025Notable Poetry and Verse Novels, 2011-2025Notable Social Studies Trade Books for Young People, 2015-2025NSK Neustadt Prize for Children’s and Young Adult Literature, 2003-2025NYT Best Illustrated Children’s Books, 1952-2024Odyssey Award, 2008-2025Once Upon a World Children's Book Award, 1996-2014Orbis Pictus Award, 2000-2025Original Art Medal, 2002-2024Outstanding International Books, 2006-2024Outstanding Science Trade Books, 2005-2025Phoenix Award, 1986-2024Prix Harry Black de l’album jeunesse, 2017-2021Publishers Weekly Best Books, 2010-2024Pura Belpré Awards, 1996-2025Quick Picks for Reluctant Young Adult Readers, 1997-2025Rainbow List: Top Ten LGBTQ Books for Children and Teens, 2011-2025Randolph Caldecott Medal, 1938-2025Read for Empathy Collections, 2017-2025Recent Book Award Winners & HonoreesRegina Medal, 1959-2024Richard Allen Chase Memorial Award, 2022 - 2024Rise: A Feminist Book Project Top Ten, 2011-2025RITA Award, Young Adult, 1983-2019Robert F. Sibert Informational Book Medal, 2001-2025SB&F Prize for Excellence in Science Books, 2006-2024Schneider Family Book Award, 2004-2025Science Writers and Communicators of Canada Book Award, 2011-2023Scott O'Dell Award, 1984-2025Septima Clark Book Award, 2019-2024Sid Fleischman Humor Award, 2004-2025Skipping Stones Honor Awards, 1994-2024SLJ Best Books of the Year, 2010 - 2024Society of Illustrators Lifetime Achievement Award, 2005-2024South Asia Book Award for Children's & Young Adult Literature, 2012-2024St. Katharine Drexel Award, 1970-2024Stonewall Children's and Young Adult Literature Award, 2010-2025Sydney Taylor Book Award, 2001-2025TD Canadian Children's Literature Award, 2005-2024Teacher Favorites Award, 2015-2024The Josette Frank Award, 1943-2025Theodor Seuss Geisel Award, 2006-2025Tomás Rivera Book Award, 1996-2025Virginia Hamilton Award for Lifetime Achievement, 2010-2024Walter Dean Myers Award for Outstanding Children’s Literature, 2016-2025Waterstones Children's Laureate, 1999-2026We Are Kid Lit Collective Summer Reading Lists, 2015-2024William C. Morris Debut Award, 2009-2025YALSA Nonfiction Award, 2010-2025YALSA Teens' Top Ten, 2003-2023Yoto Carnegie Medal for Illustration, 1962-2024Yoto Carnegie Medal for Writing, 1936-2024Young Adult Favorites Award, 2015-2024Young People’s Poet Laureate, 2006-2024 Language Choose Language American Sign LanguageAnindilyakwaAnishinaabemowin / OjibweArabicArmenianArrernteBlackfoot / Kainai / SiksikaBurmeseCherokeeChickasawChineseChipewyanCreeCzechDakotaDeneDjambarrpuynguDutchEnglishFarsiFilipinoFinnishFrenchGamilaraay / KamilaroiGermanGreekGuajajaraGupapuynuGurindji KriolGurinji / GurindjiHaidaHaitian Creole / KreyolHakkaHawaiianHebrewHindiHopiHul'q'umi'num' / HalkomelemIlocanoInuktitutIrishItalianJapaneseKarenKeresKoreanKundjeyhmi / GundjeihmiKuninjkuLadinoLakotaLatinMalayMandarinMapudungan / MapucheMeranaw / MaranaoMi'kmaq / Mi'kmawMichifMultiple LanguagesNahuatlNavajo / DineNoongarNorwegianOkinawanPitjantjatjaraPolishPortuguesePunjabiQuechuaRussianSalteaux / Ojibwa / NakawemowinScotsScottish GaelicSerbianSlovakSomaliSpanishStoney / NakotaSwahiliSwedishTagalogTamilTlicho / DogribTlingitTsimshian / Sm'algyaxTurkishUkrainianUrduVietnameseWalmadjariYucatecan / MayaZulu / isiZulu Word Count Less than 100 100 - 499 500 - 999 1,000 - 4,999 5,000 - 9,999 10,000 - 29,999 30,000 - 59,999 60,000 - 100,000 Greater than 100,000 Years Published From Years Published To AR Quiz Available Text Complexity Text complexity measures are not available for every title. Lexile Reading Levels 200L - 400L 300L - 500L 500L - 700L 650L - 850L 750L - 950L 850L - 1050L 950L - 1075L 1000L - 1100L 1050L - 1150L 1100L - 1200L 1100L - 1300L ATOS Reading Levels 1.6 - 3.3 2.8 - 4.2 3.9 - 5.1 6.0 - 7.0 7.0 - 8.0 8.8 - 10.0 9.7 - 11.0 10.5 - 12.0 11.2 - 13.0 11.9 - 14.1 Text Complexity Qualitative Measures Meaning 1 : 414SlightlyModeratelyVeryExceedingly Text Organization 1 : 414 Use of Visual Features 1 : 414 Conventionality 1 : 414 Vocabulary 1 : 414 Sentence Structure 1 : 414 Life Experiences 1 : 414 Cultural Knowledge 1 : 414 Resource Types Limit your results to titles with these resources Author & Illustrator Resources Audio Name Pronunciations In-depth Written Interviews Interviews Meet-the-Author Movies Meet-the-Author Recordings TeachingBooks Blog Author Posts Websites & Blogs Book Resources Book Adaptation Websites Book Descriptions Book Apps Book Guides, Activities & Lessons Book Readings Book Previews Book Trailers Book Vocabulary Lists Book Websites Complete Book & Poem Readings Reader's Theater Scripts Story Time Activity Kits Format of Resource Audio Video Written Language of Resource ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi and English (Bilingual)American Sign LanguageAmerican Sign Language and English (Bilingual)American Sign Language and Spanish (Bilingual)American Sign Language, Auslan, and English (Trilingual)American Sign Language, English, and Spanish (Trilingual)AnindilyakwaAnishinaabemowin / OjibweAnishinaabemowin and English (Bilingual)ArabicArabic and English (Bilingual)Ashaninka and English (Bilingual)Auslan and English (Bilingual)British Sign Language and English (Bilingual)CantoneseCherokeeChineseChinese and English (Bilingual)CreeCree and English (Bilingual)CzechDharug and English (Bilingual)Djambarrpuyngu and English (Bilingual)Dutch and English (Bilingual)EnglishFilipinoFilipino and English (Bilingual)FrenchFrench and English (Bilingual)French and Quebec Sign Language (LSQ) (Bilingual)German and English (Bilingual)Gitxsan and English (Bilingual)GupapuynuHaidaHawaiian and English (Bilingual)Hindi and English (Bilingual)Hmong (White)IlocanoInuktitutInuktitut and English (Bilingual)IrishItalianItalian and English (Bilingual)JapaneseJapanese and English (Bilingual)Korean and English (Bilingual)Kundjeyhmi and English (Bilingual)Kunwinjku and English (Bilingual)Latin and English (Bilingual)MandarinMandarin and English (Bilingual)Mi'kmaq and English (Bilingual)MichifNorwegianO'odham and English (Bilingual)Old EnglishPitjantjatjaraPolish and English (Bilingual)PortugueseQuebec Sign Language (LSQ)RussianScotsScottish GaelicSinhala, Tamil, and English (Trilingual)SpanishSpanish and English (Bilingual)Swedish and English (Bilingual)TagalogTagalog and English (Bilingual)Tamil and English (Bilingual)TlingitTsimshian / Sm'algyaxTswana, Afrikaans, and English (Trilingual)UkrainianVietnamese and English (Bilingual) Submit Reset