Audio Name Pronunciation
Meghan P. Browne |
A recording introducing and pronouncing Meghan P. Browne.
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Meghan Browne: Hey there. This is Meghan P. Browne. Some folks call me Meg. My daddy used to call me Mae. My mama used to call me Meglet or Meggie, which is also what my grandmother sometimes called me. The P. in my name stands for Powers, which is the middle name that my folks gave me when I was born. Powers first belonged to my grandmother, my mother's mother. It was her maiden name, and I rather like it. Even though when I was a kid, I sometimes used to get teased by other kids when they found out that that was my name. They would say things like, "You're probably a witch because you have magical powers."
The joke was on them because, maybe I do have magical powers and that's kind of cool actually. Before I got married, my last name was Flanagan, which is a real good Irish handle, that's what everyone always said when I was growing up. And that's probably true, because my friends who knew me from my days in athletics, they still call me Flanagan, or Flan, or Flanney. But now that I'm married, my last name is Browne with an E on the end. That was a real fine gift that my husband gave me when we got married. That's me, Meghan P. Browne.
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