Teaching Ideas

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Exploring Alliteration

Alliteration grabs a reader's attention and gives a rhythmic quality to text. Consider incorporating activities like these to help readers isolate beginning sounds and identify auditory similarities.

  • Watch the book trailer for Seaside Stroll and discuss the meaning of alliteration. After reading the book, create a chart of words beginning with the /s/ sound.

  • Read Superhero ABC and invite readers to create a superhero based on the first letter of their name using this lesson plan.

  • Listen to this audio except for Rosie Raccoon's Rock and Roll Raft. Encourage readers to tap their shoulders every time they hear a word beginning with the /r/ sound.

  • View the video book reading of Summer Supper then pick a favorite food beginning with the /s/ sound. Readers can draw and label their illustration on a post-it note and these can be displayed on chart paper.