Teaching Ideas

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3-2-1: Ways to Engage Readers Over the Summer and Gear Up for Fall!

Ways to Engage Readers over the Sumer and Gear Up For Fall

Printable/Shareable Flyer (PDF link)

Three Ways to Encourage Reading All Summer Long!

  1. Make access flyers to send home to students and families to remind them they can access TeachingBooks from home!

  2. Share bookmarks or flyers that link to TeachingBooks titles and resources, such as:

  3. Create Student Reading Records using custom lists to encourage students to keep track of their summer reading journey.

Two Ways to Gear up for Fall

  1. Create or upload a class list of texts for next year or semester. Easily embed on a webpage, LibGuide, or learning management system page to provide a helpful visual that connects to resources for each title! You can even print bookmarks or flyers of these lists to share with families at Family Night!

  2. Analyze your lists, curricular texts, or titles in your classroom or library by using our Analysis Tool to gain insight into the cultural diversity, genre, recency, reading levels, and more represented. Use TeachingBooks tools to fill in any gaps.

One way that you, students, teachers, or anyone else in the community can connect with books any time of year!

  1. Find fresh award-winning titles to teach, promote, read, or recommend by browsing our collections or trying out the Diverse Books Toolkit!

Share this Flyer (PDF) (print, or email the link) with colleagues in your community!